Why Vegan Ink?

DID YOU KNOW ANIMALS ARE A MAIN INGREDIENT IN TATTOO INK?! Many people never think about what actually goes into making tattoo ink but, its time to start caring about what you put into your body! While the products put into tattoo inks varies the vast majority are not vegan. With that being said here’s what those have in store for you — Bone Char: this is a common ingredient for many black inks. Burning animal bone char helps create that deep black color. Glycerin: this comes from animal fat and helps stabilize the ink. Gelatin: this comes into play as a binding agent for inks. It is made from the boiled connective tissue of cows and pigs. YIKES! Lastly, Shellac: this ingredient is used in tattoo ink and is made by crushing beetle shells, most commonly found in lady bugs.

Now here’s a list of the humane ways vegan tattoo ink is created: Black – carbon and logwood, White – titanium dioxide, Yellow – turmeric, Green – monoazo, a carbon based pigment, Blue – sodium and aluminum, many that contain copper are safe, Red – Naphthol which can still cause a reaction, Purple – dioxazine and carbazole.

At Queen Ink, we don’t believe in harming animals for the satisfaction of inking our bodies and thats why we ONLY use vegan tattoo ink! Also, by choosing vegan ink your chances of getting an infection or having an allergic reaction are much lower.

Am I Suppose To Tip My Artist?

Tipping your artist is never required but is always appreciated!

The standard tip amount given to a service proper in the US is 15-20%.

All tattoo artist set their own rates but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are making 100% profit off of what they charge you. Tattoo artist only make a portion of what they charge plus they have to cover the cost of all their materials that they use.

Does Getting A Tattoo Hurt?

To put it sweet and simple — Yes.

Getting a tattoo isn’t an extreme or painful experience but it isn’t painless either. The best way I can explain it is as if you have a fresh sunburn and scratch it. The first response I always get from someone who has never experienced it before is “Oh, its not that bad”. There are some artist who have a heavy hand and induce more pain upon you than necessary. The artist at Queen Ink are very light handed artist, we strive to help you receive the best experience possible.


Everyones pain intolerance is different. But, even with that being said, there are some spots that hurt more than others. It is more painful to get tattooed in areas that are naturally more tender or where there is little to no muscle. Also, when it comes to girls you should always try to avoid booking an appointment while on your period. During this time of the month your pain intolerance is lower and cramps/body aches can prevent you from feeling relaxed while receiving a tattoo.

I have inserted a basic pain level chart to help you out!

I’m Under 18, Can I Still Get A Tattoo?

YES! For the state of Ohio as long as long as a parent or guardian is with you (yes, for the entire time you are at the studio) , you can be tattooed. The artist of Queen Ink however, will not preform any form of body art on anyone under the age of 16.

How Should I Prepare For My Appointment?

After you’ve summited your request, the artist you chose will send you a formal email stating all the pre appointment information. Heres a few other things that are not included in there but are a MUST!

  • SHOWER! Please, we are begging you.

  • Do not forget your ID! Even if you are under 18 you will still be required to bring a form of identification. If you do not have this then you can not get your tattoo.

  • HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! Remember that water is important, without it you may feel lightheaded and woozy.

  • FOOD! Be sure that you have ate something at least 6 hours prior to your appointment. Again, without this you may feel lightheaded and increases your chances for passing out.

  • Queen Ink allows you to bring along 1 guest along with you to your appointment

What You Shouldn’t Do The Day Before Your Appointment.


  • Alcohol - having alcohol in your system increases your chances of bleeding.

  • Drugs - drugs are bad. Just don’t do them!

  • Lotions/Spraytans - try to avoid placing anything on the area at least 24 hours prior. The area needs to be clean and fresh. If you fail and do this anyways then you will increase a higher chance of infection.

Getting A Tattoo During The Summer.

As your tattoo is in the healing process you will need to make sure you keep it out of the sun and any water. This means for the 3 - 8 weeks it takes it to fully heal you will be sunbathing under an umbrella and watching all your friends enjoy swimming.

Of course, once your tattoo has finally stopped scabbing, you are safe to apply sunscreen (which you will want to do to avoid the color fading fast) and swim as much as you like.

What If I’m Late Or I Don’t Show Up?

When it comes to being late/having to cancel we understand things happen. If you are running late for your appointment or you are not able to make it you MUST let your artist know. Depending on the length of your appointment time your artist may or may not be able to accommodate for your missed session.

We are very understanding when it comes to things popping up last minute so please just let us know.

If you NO CALL / NO SHOW Queen Ink will no longer accept future appointments from you.